
A simuPOP simulator evolves one or more copies of a population forward in time, subject to various operators. Although a population could evolve by itself using function Population.evolve, a simulator with one replicate is actually used.

Add, access and remove populations from a simulator

A simulator could be created by one or more replicates of a list of populations. For example, you could create a simulator from five replicates of a population using

Simulator(pop, rep=5)

or from a list of populations using

Simulator([pop, pop1, pop2])

. pop, pop1 and pop2 do not have to have the same genotypic structure. In order to avoid duplication of potentially large populations, a population is by default stolen after it is used to create a simulator. If you would like to keep the populations, you could set parameter stealPops to False so that the populations will be copied to the simulator. Populations in a simulator can be added or removed using functions Simulator.add() and Simulator.extract(idx).

When a simulator is created, you can access populations in this simulator using function Simulator.population(idx) or iterate through all populations using function Simulator.populations(). These functions return references to the populations so that you can access populations. Modifying these references will change the corresponding populations within the simulator. The references will become invalid once the simulator object is destoryed.

Example Simulator demonstrates different ways to create a simulator and how to access populations within it.

Example: Create a simulator and access populations

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=10)
>>> # five copies of the same population
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(pop, rep=5)
>>> simu.numRep()
>>> # evolve for ten generations and save the populations
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.3, 0.7])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     finalOps=sim.SavePopulation('!"pop%d.pop"%rep'),
...     gen=10
... )
(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L)
>>> # load the population and create another Simulator
>>> simu = sim.Simulator([sim.loadPopulation('pop%d.pop' % x) for x in range(5)])
>>> # continue to evolve
>>> simu.evolve(
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     gen=10
... )
(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L)
>>> # print out allele frequency
>>> for pop in simu.populations():
...     sim.stat(pop, alleleFreq=0)
...     print('%.2f' % pop.dvars().alleleFreq[0][0])
>>> # get a population
>>> pop = simu.extract(0)
>>> simu.numRep()


Number of generations to evolve

A simulator usually evolves a specific number of generations according to parameter gen of the evolve function. A generation number is used to track the number of generations a simulator has evolved. Because a new population has generation number 0, a population would be at the beginning of generation n after it evolves n generations. The generation number would increase if the simulator continues to evolve. During evoluting, variables rep (replicate number) and gen (current generation number) are set to each population’s local namespace.

It is not always possible to know in advance the number of generations to evolve. For example, you may want to evolve a population until a specific allele gets fixed or lost in the population. In this case, you can let the simulator run indefinitely (do not set the gen parameter) and depend on a *terminator *to terminate the evolution of a population. The easiest method to do this is to use population variables to track the status of a population, and use a TerminateIf operator to terminate the evolution according to the value of an expression. Example simuGen demonstrates the use of such a terminator, which terminates the evolution of a population if allele 0 at locus 5 is fixed or lost. It also shows the application of an interesting operator IfElse, which applies an operator, in this case PyEval, only when an expression returns True. Note that this example calls the simulator.evolve function twice. The first call does not specify a mating scheme so a default empty mating scheme (MatingScheme) that does not transmit genotype is used. Populations start from the beginning of the fifth generation when the second simulator.evole function is called.

The generation number is stored in each Population using population variable gen.You can access these numbers from a simulator using function Simulator.dvars(idx) or from a population using function Population.dvars(). If needed, you can reset generation numbers by changing these variables.

Example: Generation number of a simulator

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(sim.Population(50, loci=[10], ploidy=1),
...     rep=3)
>>> simu.evolve(gen = 5)
(5L, 5L, 5L)
>>> simu.dvars(0).gen
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomSelection(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=5),
...         sim.IfElse('alleleNum[5][0] == 0',
...             sim.PyEval(r"'Allele 0 is lost in rep %d at gen %d\n' % (rep, gen)")),
...         sim.IfElse('alleleNum[5][0] == 50',
...             sim.PyEval(r"'Allele 0 is fixed in rep %d at gen %d\n' % (rep, gen)")),
...         sim.TerminateIf('len(alleleNum[5]) == 1'),
...     ],
... )
Allele 0 is fixed in rep 2 at gen 29
Allele 0 is fixed in rep 1 at gen 74
Allele 0 is lost in rep 0 at gen 120
(116L, 70L, 25L)
>>> [simu.dvars(x).gen for x in range(3)]
[121, 75, 30]


Evolve populations in a simulator

There are a number of rules about when and how operators are applied during the evolution of a population. In summary, in the order at which operators are processed and applied,

  • Operators specified in parameter initOps of function Simulator.evolve will be applied to the initial population before evolution, subject to replicate applicability restraint specified by parameter reps.
  • Operators specified in parameter preOps of function Simulator.evolve will be applied to the parental population at each generation, subject to replicate and generation applicability restraint specified by parameters begin, end, step, at, and reps.
  • During-mating operators specified in the ops parameter of a mating scheme will be called during mating to transmit genotype (and possibly information fields etc) from parental to offspring, subject to replicate and generation applicability restraint specified by parameters begin, end, step, at, and reps.
  • Operators specified in parameter postOps of function Simulator.evolve will be applied to the offspring population at each generation, subject to replicate and generation applicability restraint specified by parameters begin, end, step, at, and reps.
  • Operators specified in parameter finalOps of function Simulator.evolve will be applied to the final population after evolution, subject to replicate applicability restraint specified by parameter reps.

Figure fig_operator_orders illustrated how operators are applied to an evolutionary process. It worth noting that a default during-mating operator is defined for each mating scheme. User-specfied operators will replace the default operator so you need to explicitly specify the default operator if you intent to add another one.

Figure: Orders at which operators are applied during an evolutionary process


If you suspect that your simulation is not running as expected, you can have a close look at your evolutionary process by setting the dryrun parameter of an evolve function to True, or by calling function describeEvolProcess(). This function takes the same set of parameters as Simulator.evolve() and returns a description of the evolution process, which might help you identify misuse of operators.

Example: describe an evolutionary process

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> def outputstat(pop):
...     'Calculate and output statistics, ignored'
...     return True
>>> # describe this evolutionary process
>>> print(sim.describeEvolProcess(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitInfo(lambda: random.randint(0, 75), infoFields='age'),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5]),
...         sim.IdTagger(),
...         sim.PyOutput('Prevalence of disease in each age group:\n'),
...     ],
...     preOps=sim.InfoExec('age += 1'),
...     matingScheme=sim.HeteroMating([
...         sim.CloneMating(subPops=[(0,0), (0,1), (0,2)], weight=-1),
...         sim.RandomMating(ops=[
...             sim.IdTagger(),
...             sim.Recombinator(intensity=1e-4)
...         ], subPops=[(0,1)]),
...     ]),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.MaPenetrance(loci=0, penetrance=[0.01, 0.1, 0.3]),
...         sim.PyOperator(func=outputstat)
...     ],
...     gen = 100,
...     numRep = 3
... ))
Replicate 0 1 2:
Apply pre-evolution operators to the initial population (initOps).
   * <simuPOP.InitSex> initialize sex randomly
   * <simuPOP.InitInfo> initialize information field age using a Python
     function <lambda>
   * <simuPOP.InitGenotype> initialize individual genotype acccording to
     allele frequencies.
   * <simuPOP.IdTagger> assign an unique ID to individuals
   * <simuPOP.PyOutput> write 'Prevalence of disease in each age group:... '
     to output

Evolve a population for 100 generations
   * Apply pre-mating operators to the parental generation (preOps)
      # <simuPOP.InfoExec> execute statement age += 1 using information fields
        as variables.

   * Populate an offspring populaton from the parental population using mating
     scheme <simuPOP.HeteroMating> a heterogeneous mating scheme with 2
     homogeneous mating schemes:
      # <simuPOP.HomoMating> a homogeneous mating scheme that uses
         - <simuPOP.SequentialParentChooser> chooses a parent sequentially
         - <simuPOP.OffspringGenerator> produces offspring using operators
            . <simuPOP.CloneGenoTransmitter> clone genotype, sex and
              information fields of parent to offspring
        in subpopulations (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2).
      # <simuPOP.HomoMating> a homogeneous mating scheme that uses
         - <simuPOP.RandomParentsChooser> chooses two parents randomly
         - <simuPOP.OffspringGenerator> produces offspring using operators
            . <simuPOP.IdTagger> assign an unique ID to individuals
            . <simuPOP.Recombinator> genetic recombination.
        in subpopulations (0, 1).

   * Apply post-mating operators to the offspring population (postOps).
      # <simuPOP.MaPenetrance> multiple-alleles penetrance
      # <simuPOP.PyOperator> calling a Python function outputstat

No operator is applied to the final population (finalOps).


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Non-random and customized mating schemes *

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