
Penetrance is the probability for an individual to be affected with a disease conditioning on his or her genotype and other risk factors. A penetrance model calculates such a probability for an individual and assign affection status randomly according to this probability. For example, if an individual with genotype 10 has probability 0.2 to be affected according to a penetrance model, he or she will be affected with probability 0.2. Note that simuPOP supports only one affection status. If there are multiple affection outcomes involved, you can treat them as binary quantitative traits and use information fields to store them.

A penetrance operator can be applied before or after mating, to assign affection status to all individuals in the parental or offspring generation, respectively. It can also be applied during mating and assign affection status to each offspring. The latter could be used to assit natural selection through the selection of offspring. You can also assign affection status to all individuals in a population using the function form of a penetrance operator (e.g. function mapPenetrance for operator MapPenetrance). Compared the penetrance operators that assign affection status to only the current generation, these functions by default assign affection status to all ancestral generations as well.

A penetrance operator usually do not store the penetrance values. However, if an information field is given, penetrance values will be saved to this information field before it is used to determine individual affection status.

Map penetrance model (operator MapPenetrance)

A map penetrance opertor uses a Python dictionary to provide penetrance values for each type of genotype. For example, Example MapPenetrance uses a dictionary with keys (0,0), (0,1) and (1,1) to specify penetrance for individuals with these genotypes at locus 0.

Example: A penetrance model that uses pre-defined fitness value

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=2000, loci=2)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[.2, .8])
>>> sim.mapPenetrance(pop, loci=0,
...     penetrance={(0,0):0, (0,1):.2, (1,1):.3})
>>> sim.stat(pop, genoFreq=0, numOfAffected=1, vars='genoNum')
>>> # number of affected individuals
>>> pop.dvars().numOfAffected
>>> # which should be roughly (#01 + #10) * 0.2 + #11 * 0.3
>>> (pop.dvars().genoNum[0][(0,1)] + pop.dvars().genoNum[0][(1,0)]) * 0.2 \
... + pop.dvars().genoNum[0][(1,1)] * 0.3


The above example assumes that penetrance for individuals with genotypes (0,1) and (1,0) are the same. This assumption is usually valid but can be vialoated with impriting. In that case, you can specify fitness for both types of genotypes. The underlying mechanism is that the MapPenetrance looks up a genotype in the dictionary first directly, and then without phase information if a genotype is not found.

This operator supports haplodiploid populations and sex chromosomes. In these cases, only valid alleles should be listed which can lead to dictionary keys with different lengths. In addition, although less used because of potentially a large number of keys, this operator can act on multiple loci. For example,

  • keys (a1,a2) and (a1,) can be used to specify fitness values for female and male individuals in a haplodiploid population, respectively
  • keys (x1,x2) and (x1,) can be used to specify fitness for female and male individuals according to a locus on the X chromosome in a diploid population, respectively. Similarly, keys () and (y,) for a locus on chromosome Y.
  • keys (a1,a2,b1,b2) can be used to specify fitness values according to genotype at two loci in a diploid population.

Multi-allele penetrance model (operator MaPenetrance)

A multi-allele penetrance model divides alleles into two groups, wildtype A and mutants a, and treat alleles within each group as the same. The penetrance model is therefore simplified to

  • Two fitness values for genotype A, a in the haploid case
  • Three fitness values for genotype AA, Aa and aa in the diploid single locus case. Genotype Aa and aA are assumed to have the same impact on fitness.

The default wildtype group contains allele 0 so the two allele groups are zero and non-zero alleles. Example MaPenetrance demonstrates the use of this operator.

Example: A multi-allele penetrance model

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(5000, loci=3)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.9] + [0.02]*5)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.MaPenetrance(loci=0, penetrance=(0.01, 0.2, 0.3)),
...         sim.Stat(numOfAffected=True, vars='propOfAffected'),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Gen: %d Prevalence: %.1f%%\n' % (gen, propOfAffected*100)"),
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
Gen: 0 Prevalence: 4.4%
Gen: 1 Prevalence: 4.4%
Gen: 2 Prevalence: 4.7%
Gen: 3 Prevalence: 4.4%
Gen: 4 Prevalence: 4.3%


Operator MaPenetrance also supports multiple loci by specifying fitness values for all combination of genotype at specified loci. In the case of two loci, this operator requires

  • Four fitness values for genotype AB, Ab, aB and ab in the haploid case,
  • Nine fitness values for genotype AABB, AABb, AAbb, AaBB, AaBb, Aabb, aaBB, aaBb, and aabb in the haploid case.

In general, 2^{n} values are needed for haploid populations and 3^{n} values are needed for diploid populations where n is the number of loci. This operator does not yet support haplodiploid populations and sex chromosomes.

Multi-loci penetrance model (operator MlPenetrance)

Although an individual’s affection status can be affected by several factors, each of which can be modeled individually, only one penetrance value is used to determine a person’s affection status and we have to use a multi-locus penetrance model to combine single-locus models.

This multi-loci penetrance model applies several penetrance models to each Individual and computes an overall penetrance value from the penetrance values provided by these operators. Although this selector is designed to obtain multi- loci penetrance values from several single-locus penetrance models, any penetrance operator, including those obtain their penetrance values from multiple disease predisposing loci, can be used in this operator. This operator uses parameter mode to control how Individual penetrance values are combined. More specifically, if f_{i} are penetrance values obtained from individual selectors, this selector returns

  • \Pi_{i}f_{i} if mode=MULTIPLICATIVE, and
  • \sum_{i}f_{i} if mode=ADDITIVE, and
  • 1-\Pi_{i}\left(1-f_{i}\right) if mode=HETEROGENEITY

0 or 1 will be returned if the returned fitness value is out of range of [0,1].

Example MlPenetrance demonstrates the use of this operator using an multiplicative multi-locus model over three additive single-locus models at three diesease predisposing loci.

Example: A multi-loci penetrance model

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(5000, loci=3)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.2]*5)
>>> # the multi-loci penetrance
>>> sim.mlPenetrance(pop, mode=sim.MULTIPLICATIVE,
...     ops = [sim.MaPenetrance(loci=loc,
...         penetrance=[0, 0.3, 0.6]) for loc in range(3)])
>>> # count the number of affected individuals.
>>> sim.stat(pop, numOfAffected=True)
>>> pop.dvars().numOfAffected


Hybrid penetrance model (operator PyPenetrance)

When your selection model involves multiple interacting genetic and environmental factors, it might be easier to calculate a penetrance value explicitly using a Python function. A hybrid penetrance operator can be used for this purpose. If your penetrance model depends solely on genotype, you can define a function such as

def pfunc(geno):
    # calculate penetrance according to genotype at specified loci
    # in the order of A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2 for loci A,B,C (for diploid)
    return val

and use this function in an operator PySelector(func=pfunc, loci=loci). If your penetrance model depends on genotype as well as some information fields, you can define a function in the form of

def pfunc(geno, fields):
    # calculate penetrance according to genotype at specified loci
    # and values at specified informaton fields.
    return val

and use this function in an operator PySelector(func=pfunc, loci=loci, paramFields=fields). If the function you provide accepts three arguments, PyPenetrance will pass generation number as the third argument so that you could implement generation-specific penetrance models (e.g. pfunc(geno, fields, gen)).

When a PyPenetrance operator is used to calculate penetrance for an individual, it will collect his or her genotype at specified loci, optional values at specified information fields, and the generation number to a user- specified Python function, and take its return value as penetrance. As you can imagine, the incorporation of information fields and generation number allow the implementation of very complex penetrance scenarios such as gene environment interaction and varying selection pressures. Note that this operator does not pass sex and affection status to the user-defined function. If your selection model is sex-dependent, you can define an information field sex, synchronize its value with individual sex (e.g. using operator InfoExec('', exposeInd='ind') and pass this information to the user- defined function (PySelector(func=func, paramFields='sex')).

Example PySelector demonstrates how to use a PyPenetrance to specify penetrance values according to a fitness table and the smoking status of each individual. In this example, Individual risk is doubled when he or she smokes. The disease prevalence is therefore much higher in smokers than in non-smokers.

Example: A hybrid penetrance model

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=2000, loci=[1]*2, infoFields=['p', 'smoking'])
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.InfoSplitter(field='smoking', values=[0,1]))
>>> # the second parameter gen can be used for varying selection pressure
>>> def penet(geno, smoking):
...     #     BB     Bb      bb
...     # AA  0.01   0.01    0.01
...     # Aa  0.01   0.03    0.03
...     # aa  0.01   0.03    0.05
...     #
...     # geno is (A1 A2 B1 B2)
...     if geno[0] + geno[1] == 1 and geno[2] + geno[3] != 0:
...         v = 0.03   # case of AaBb
...     elif geno[0] + geno[1] == 2 and geno[2] + geno[3] == 1:
...         v = 0.03   # case of aaBb
...     elif geno[0] + geno[1] ==2 and geno[2] + geno[3] == 2:
...         v = 0.05   # case of aabb
...     else:
...         v = 0.01   # other cases
...     if smoking:
...         return v * 2
...     else:
...         return v
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5]),
...         sim.PyOutput('Calculate prevalence in smoker and non-smokers\n'),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         # set smoking status randomly
...         sim.InitInfo(lambda : random.randint(0,1), infoFields='smoking'),
...         # assign affection status
...         sim.PyPenetrance(loci=[0, 1], func=penet),
...         sim.Stat(numOfAffected=True, subPops=[(0, sim.ALL_AVAIL)],
...             vars='propOfAffected_sp', step=20),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Non-smoker: %.2f%%\tSmoker: %.2f%%\n' % "
...             "(subPop[(0,0)]['propOfAffected']*100, subPop[(0,1)]['propOfAffected']*100)",
...             step=20)
...     ],
...     gen = 50
... )
Calculate prevalence in smoker and non-smokers
Non-smoker: 2.06%    Smoker: 4.47%
Non-smoker: 1.94%    Smoker: 4.22%
Non-smoker: 1.62%    Smoker: 5.32%
